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Colleges and Universities - USA Universities - Loma Linda University

Contact Info:
State: California
City: Loma Linda
Street: 11130 Anderson Street
ZIP: 92350
Phone: 909-651-5029
 Serves: USA
 Enrollment: Several terms
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes
Loma Linda University (LLU)  is a Seventh-day Adventist educational health-sciences institution with more than 4000 students located in Southern California. The University offers online undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degrees and certificates health related fields.

Eight schools comprise the University organization. More than 55 programs are offered by the schools of Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Religion and Science and Technology. Students from more than 80 countries around the world and virtually every state in the nation are represented in Loma Linda University's student body. Curricula offered range from certificates of completion and associate in science degrees to doctor of philosophy and professional doctoral degrees. LLU also offers distance education.

LLU encourages personal and professional growth through integrated development of the intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual dimensions of each member of the university community.

Loma Linda University seeks to serve a worldwide community by promoting healthful living, caring for the sick, and sharing the good news of a loving God.
The University promotes an environment that reflects and builds respect for the diversity of humanity as ordained by God.

Loma Linda University supports its students by offering financial aid as a supplement to the financial resources of each individual student. The opportunities of financial support include federal and state government financial aid programs as well as institutional funds, which are, however, not guaranteed.


Programs offered by this school:
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management
Certificate Program in Tobacco Control Methods